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Père fondateur
Lecteur de Sun Tzu
02-09-2013, 17h31
Petite mise à jour intéressante aujourd'hui avec entre autres une correction d'un bug du teamswitch (ne s'activait pas quand le joueur mourrait), des optimisations du moteur, et la voix sélectionnée dans le profil fonctionne correctement in game...
Père fondateur
Lecteur de Sun Tzu
04-09-2013, 17h42
ENOOOORRME mise à jour aujourd'hui, avec plein d'ajouts sympas (chars, avions, nouvelle faction...) :
Added: PDW SMG
Added: NVS optics (Image Intensification)
Added: Nightstalker optics (Image Intensification + Daytime + Thermal Imagery Amber)
Added: TWS optics (Daytime + Thermal Imagery White-Hot + Thermal Imagery Black-Hot)
Added: TWS MG optics (Daytime + Thermal Imagery White-Hot + Thermal Imagery Black-Hot)
Added: Static GMG variants (low, raised and autonomous)
Added: Static HMG variants (low, raised and autonomous)
Added: Static AA variants
Added: Static AT variants
Added: M2A1 Slammer tank
Added: T-100 Varsuk tank
Added: AFV-4 Gorgon wheeled APC
Added: IFV-6a Cheetah tracked IFV AA
Added: M4 Scorcher self-propelled artillery
Added: M5 Sandstorm MLRS
Added: 2S9 Sochor self-propelled artillery
Added: ZSU-39 Tigris tracked IFV AA
Added: CRV-6e Bobcat tracked engineering vehicle
Added: A 143 Buzzard jet fighter
Added: Truck variants
Added: SUV
Added: Hatchback variants
Added: Ship and boat variants
Added: FIA faction
Continued memory optimizations. Note that today’s attempts have a risk of stack_overflow crashes to desktop (without noticeable error outside of RPT). We’d like know about it happening, so we can tweak the values.
Improvements to character lip-sync (WIP)
AI prone rotation two times faster
AI high-skilled soldiers accuracy improved
Amenez-vous sur mumble ! On fait les fous avec DS et Ela
Dernière modification par
04-09-2013, 17h43
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
12-09-2013, 09h28
In preparation for tomorrow's release, there is no devbranch update today. If you intend to switch back to main branch and want to minimize data transfer, we recommend you wait until the game is released fully on main branch.
Devbranch is currently set to be identical to main branch - meaning it's in a way older than it was yesterday. Later today we will update it with an actual devbranch EXE, and we'll continue to unleash a lot of backlog work from the last few weeks of data lock (read: a lot of data differences). More so than usual the devbranch may suffer from incompatibilities and errors for a few days until the dust settles.
En gros, la
est maintenant identique à la version principale. Pour ceux qui veulent passer à cette dernière, il est conseillé d'attendre la sortie du jeu. Sachez aussi que pour les prochains jours, la
risque de subir encore plus d'erreurs et d'incompatibilités.
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Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
27-09-2013, 13h02
La première mise à jour post-sortie est arrivée. Elle ne contient pas encore le premier épisode de la campagne mais se concentre sur l'optimisation et la correction.
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
27-09-2013, 15h18
Et le changelog qui va avec cette version 1.02
Potential Altis performance optimization (especially when using a lot of AI units): removed class properties from models in Structures_F that don't need it
Many small Altis object positioning tweaks and other terrain fixes
Fixed: Flipped moon texture
The moon halo object can now be different from the sun halo object (new world config parameter moonHal
The light reflected by the moon has been made more realistic
Added: New runway parts for left and right airstrip on Altis
Runway lights have new models and configuration
Fixed: Darker runway at a distance and with overcast weather
Fixed: Ladder on hospital building has been reversed (
Fixed: Blinking resolution LODs on signs
Configured power line wires to be destroyed along with power line towers
Animals should be avoiding roads more now
Fashionable LCD panels for MBT gunners instead of old-style optics, and new reticles displayed on them
Player tank driver can turn out, while commander is turned in
Civilian (and FIA) trucks have been revamped
Added: Ability to mount Marshall driver position from right side
Fixed: Slammer recoil
Added: T-100 recoil animation for main gun
T-100 commander optics features in line with OPFOR tracked vehicles
T-100 back armor made thinner
Improved handling of terminal ballistics on armored vehicles
More realistic water fording ability for tracked armor
Added compass and additional radars for copilot seats
Removed magic disappearance of rotor blades for some helicopters
AH-99 badly placed exhausts fixed (
Adjusted position of Blackfoot pilot crosshair in HMD
Added stabilization for UAV optics
Fixed: Incorrect duplicate of get-in points for Speedboats
Fixed: Zooms of armed offroad gunner set to standard naked eye level (
Added: Mortar/HMG/GMG/Bipod/Tripod bags for every faction
Added missing backpacks for Mk6 weapon
Capacity tweaking for mortars, GMGs and HMGs (inventory)
Fixed: Animations of static weapons
Tweaked: Bag weight for static weapons. It was too high for our maximum soldier load.
Fixed bombs of CAS UAVs
Re-balanced mine damage and overall mine usability
Tweaked: Pistol weights to match maximum soldier load count
Fixed: Negative friction of 120mm shells
Reticle materials for 3D scopes now glow in the dark
Fixed: Problem with 3D scope alpha sorting
Added: BIS_fnc_unitPlay function severely optimized. Unit playback is now smooth even when applied on multiple vehicles at the same time. Backwards compatible - will improve already released missions without need to change anything.
Tweaked: Action menu priorities
Increased action priority for weapon assembly
Fixed: Radio protocol is no longer played during story conversations triggered by BIS_fnc_kbTell
Fixed: Some groups spawned by Sites module had their skill set too high
Fixed: CAS bombing issues in Supports Module
Fixed: Rare occurrence of undefined variable for civilian randomization scripts
Fixed: Game sometimes got stuck in loading screen after respawn (
Added: Warning about using BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition - calling the function on client at the mission start will result in data not being broadcasted correctly
Fixed: Modules were not executed in the right order on server
Fixed: Sending multiple recipients to BIS_fnc_MP caused the function to be ignored in singleplayer
Added: Recipient sent to BIS_fnc_MP can now be string - variable name of an object. The function will be executed where the object is local.
Fixed: Incorrect returned value when task checked by BIS_fnc_taskCompleted didn't exist
Fixed: "Vehicle Respawn" module didn't recognize airplanes, rendering them non-respawnable (
Fixed: HQ entities created by Headquarters module (used for example in Defend and Seize missions) were all using European voice. Correct voices (English for NATO and Persian for CSAT) are assigned now.
Fixed: "Set Task Destination" module is now optional, destination can now be configured in "Create Task" module. The same is true for task state (
Fixed: Functions with tag without specific name (i.e., no 'tag' attribute) were incorrectly categorized in the functions viewer
Fixed: BIS_fnc_sandStorm was using incorrect particle texture (
Added: Delay before respawn menu is applied only when player is simulated
Fixed: "EndMission" respawn template failed a mission even when some players were still alive after respawn tickets were exceeded
Fixed: Module effects were applied to vehicle commanders, not to vehicles themselves
Fixed: Debug console was not available for logged admins (
Fixed: Respawn display sometimes didn't close once player respawned
Fixed: Advanced hints save / load issue
Added: BIS_fnc_countdown - allows setting and managing countdown
Function BIS_fnc_findInPairs renamed to BIS_fnc_getFromPairs and now supports all variable types
New function BIS_fnc_findInPairs returns index of an item from the associative array found under the key
Fixed: Notifications are no longer displayed after player dies in singleplayer missions
Fixed: Zone Restriction module would sometimes fire a warning event when a unit left a vehicle
Fixed: Info about ability to sync "Respawn Position" module to a vehicle was missing
BLUFOR soldiers are now able to switch textures via setObjectTexture
CSAT soldiers have been trained to distinguish fixed-wing UAV of their side better when standing next to it
Less pronounced character lip sync animations
Fixed: Several inventory capacity issues
Fixed: OPFOR pilots ammo load
Fixed: Guerrilla Rifleman AT backpack load out
Fixed: Guerrilla Engineer bag type
Fixed: Khaki vest camo for OPFOR snipers and Olive vests for AAF
Minor fix in BLUFOR repair specialist chest rig
Added: New icon for BLUFOR chest rig
Added: New icons for Guerrilla uniform types
Added side-specific textures and pictures for mortar bags
Introduced mass difference between normal and light helmets
Various characters models and textures tweaks, most notably the US flag being removed from AS and SMDI maps
Civilians are more prone to be fatally wounded by anything (damage tolerance and armor)
Tweaked hitpoints of civilians. Now they will be fatally injured by one hit (5.56 mm and better caliber) to torso.
Configured destruction of wreck_heli_attack_01 (Blackfoot wreck)
Added Korean and Japanese characters from other fonts to EtelkaMonospacePro (fixes missing texts in e.g. establishing shots in those languages)
Font: EtelkaMonospaceProBold added for backwards compatibility (inherits everything from EtelkaMonospacePro)
Rolling credits now end after finishing and a short timeout
Fixed: Class name in title bar can't be edited any more in Insert Unit and Insert module in mission editor
Fixed: Positions of location labels (e.g., town names) in Splendid Camera were offset
Fixed: Respawn position selection list was blinking
Fixed: Tile effects were interactive, stealing mouse focus
Fixed: Error message for "Viper Green in trouble" conversation in Showcase Vehicles
Removed: Showcase Night radio at the enemy camp
Tweaked: Showcase Night player is now sitting on the front of the boat during insertion
Tweaked: Showcase Night boat driver now has a beanie hat
Tweaked: Showcase Night when player is detected near a site, enemies should now better hunt him
Tweaked: Showcase Night enemy patrols on sites are now on in safe behavior
Tweaked: Showcase Night enemies now play ambient animations
Tweaked: Showcase Night when player is detected on an enemy site, the nearest, not yet cleared, enemy site will become combat aware
Fixed: Showcase Night random patrols had skill of 1, now it's 0.4
Fixed: Showcase Night soldier leaning on the lighthouse was going through it
Fixed: Showcase Night enemies don't have NVGoggles any more (they wrongly had them because of class name changes)
New: Showcase Night enemy vehicle will now come and investigate the south after half the chaos threshold has been reached
Fixed: In Combined Arms single player you could kill insertion choppers crew without triggering friendly fire
Fixed: Defend Syrta character classes had wrong backpack
Fixed: Defend Syrta CSAT AA class had wrong backpack
Fixed: Seize and Defend missions were sometimes not executed properly on Dedicated Server
Tweaked: Civilian vehicles are now unlocked in MP scenarios
Tweaked: Lowered cost of enemy vehicles by 0.5 in MP scenarios
Tweaked: Tanks should now only spawn on last zone (MP)
New: Added Spotter and Sniper load outs on the last objective (MP)
Changed: Defend Syrta now has disabled AI by default
Firing Drills: CoF Green - removed manual hiding of barriers now they were removed from Stratis globally
Firing Drills: CoF Red 3 - disabled detecting statue as no-shoot until new solution is found (old one removed due to map optimizations)
Music has been reorganized to new class names, old ones are kept for compatibility
Main menu music track fix (different version of same track)
British Radio Protocol voices added (1 x Jay Crowe + 3 x Jayholder as data placeholder for future recordings)
Removed occasional animation glitch after Team Switch
Digital Deluxe Edition: Tactical Guide updated with various tweaks
Digital Deluxe Edition: Map updated with higher resolution
Many AI tweaks and fixes
Enabled blood when Korean language is selected
Improved: Tank collisions / flipping
epeImpulseDamageCoef parameter can now be changed for any vehicle
AI drivers are now better able to navigate out of obstacle and unstuck themselves
New possibility to turn off adaptive crosshair in options
Fixed: Favorite sessions in LAN view
Increased the limit of shown servers in the server browser from 500 to 10000
Fixed: Broken location detection of MP clients - people should be finally able to see servers close to them
Fixed: Country detection in MP
Crouch (toggle) now works correctly for launchers
Fixed: Aiming while holding 'sprint' key and not moving
Removed zoom warp (by using sprint while in optics)
Fixed: More strange zoom while sprinting with fatigue removed
NRemoved strange zoom when aiming while trying to sprint with high fatigue
Improved: Helicopter dropping like a stone when AA hits them
Fixed: Crash when player engages in conversation and has no topic
Added: Random angular velocity for dropped weapons in ragdoll
Fixed: DnD with container on soldier's container tab caused wrong behavior
Fixed: DnD with container on soldier's linked backpack caused wrong behavior
Fixed: Replacing linked weapon from weapon stored in backpack caused wrong behavior
Fixed: Bag disappearance and duplication
Fixed: Gear shows no magazines except handguns
removeWeapon can also unlink assigned items now
Fixed: Command removeBackpack
Fixed: removeAllContainers leaves unit with uniform model even though their uniform is removed (
Fixed: Action Drop Backpack was not working
The Men category is now properly sorted in the unit dialog in editor
Fixed: saveStatus and loadStatus commands did not work
Fixed: CheckCursorActionTarget performance
Skybox lighting is now done per-pixel
New scripting commands for getting and setting identity parameters
New scripting command for getting fog parameters (fogParams)
Added parameter turretCanSee config parameter to distinguish usability of compass for copilots
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
31-10-2013, 15h30
La mise à jour tant attendue est arrivée. Outre de nombreuses corrections, elle ajoute de nombreux éléments au jeu dont le fameux premier épisode,
, de la campagne solo.
UNIT: Main Branch
Game Update: 1.04 (Campaign episode "Survive", New weapons, Light shafts, Enhanced rain)
SIZE: ~1.4 GB
Added: Campaign episode “Survive”
We recommend not using active mods - or at least accept that we cannot influence their effects on the campaign.
Consider checking for data corruption by verifying local data in the Steam client.
Added: 3 new music “Survive” tracks
Added: Rahim marksman rifle - bullpup 7.62 (CSAT)
Added: Zubr .45 revolver (CSAT)
Added: 4-Five .45 pistol (NATO)
Added: MRD and Yorris pistol collimators
Added: DMS marksman scope
Added: 'Scrapping' objects:
Decommissioned hunter
Misc. scrap
Added: Wooden tables
Added: Small objects (courtesy of the DayZ stand-alone team):
Water bottle
Baked beans
Cereal box
Powdered milk
Blood bag
Disinfectant spray
Pain killers
Vitamin bottle
Water purification tablets
Duct tape
Box of matches
Butane canister
Butane torch
Gas cooker
Gas canister (medium)
Can opener
Tin container
Fire extinguisher
Metal wire
Added: Story characters, uniforms and vests
Added: 4 British-accented English Radio Protocols
Fixed: Vehicle equipment loads
Sandstorm has a correct texture for its turret
Fixed: Panther collision issue
Improved: Physics setup of Panther
Fixed: Reduced moire effect in MBT gunner optics
Added: New muzzle flash to Slammer
Fixed: Slammer accelerating too fast
Fixed: Slammer should have 5 forward gears
Fixed: Scorcher 'jumping' sometimes
Added: New type muzzle flash for tanks (applied on T-100)
Improved: Varsuk driving physics
Tweaked: Brakes of tracked vehicles
Improved: Damage handling on wheeled APCs
Tweaked: 120mm cannon firing effect
Fixed: Zamak driver can get in again, and also die
Fixed: Positions of active UI elements in Mk6 and Scorcher
Fixed: Color and shadow of the range indicator in armored vehicles
Fixed: TI issues of Mi-48 and Ka-60
Tweaked: Elevation limit for Mi-48 gunner
Turret of Mi-48 Kajman has correct axis for horizontal rotation (strictly vertical to make AI hit something)
Fixed: XH-9 family of helicopters doesn't produce strong shake in external view anymore
Fixed: TI issues on the Orca’s rockets
Fixed: Speedboat commander localization
Gunner of SDV is now able to turn his head correctly
Added: Compass to UGV and SDV
Fixed: Correct classes for SDV divers
Cargo of Stomper shows their NVG properly
Engine of SUV can be correctly hit now
New command bar and map icons for the Buzzard
Entering Offroad from the back no longer results in teleporting to the front
Improved: Kamysh driving model
Fixed: Levitating wheels on civilian trucks
Fixed: Mapped different light material on back lights of civilian trucks
Fixed: Added fire geometry components behind the glass of the front lights of civilian trucks
Fixed: Front lights positioning on box truck
Fixed: Fuel tank hitpoints and wheel hitpoints of civilian trucks
Fixed: MX SW should have even the "Single" fire mode
ABR has correct fire mode switch animation
Tweak: New recoils for ACP-C2
Fixed: Weapons placed in WeaponHolder_Single_F should remain visible even on edge of view
Fixed: Camera shake for static weapons has been adjusted
Fixed: BLUFOR mortar can be properly assembled
Static weapons are properly set to accept bipods / tripods from other sides
Adjusted deflection for various GL ammo types
Decreased damage, range and weight of demo charges (it was too huge and devastating for its purposes -
- and caused capacity issues for BLUFOR divers)
Added: Correct textures and icons for some unused but still present vest classes
No more launchers in backpacks
Side-specific static weapon backpacks are distinguished in editor
Added correct backpacks to static weapons per sides
Slightly increased mass of 7.62mm, .408 and 12.7mm ammo magazines to better match their RL weight and somewhat increase the important differences between magazines used. Soldier loads should be unaffected.
Increased Kitbag weight and capacity to better match its model size and to bring more diversity amongst bags
Increased tactical pack weight and capacity to better match its model size and to bring more diversity amongst bags
Increased weight of mines and mine detector to better match their real values
Changed explosives specialists bag types
Increased Independent ghillie suit weight and capacity to resolve issue with spotters not having a Claymore
Fixed: Some discrepancies between vest models and their capacities
Introduced some diversity amongst vest types in their weight and capacity
Independent diver has an adjusted outfit
Rangemaster and competitor have been trained to be able to throw grenades
Fixed: Configuration issue (
Introduced more diversity into already existing vests:
Light (Lite) variants with lesser weight and armor
Medium variants (Rig) with better armor and medium variants (GL) with better explosive protection
Heavy variant for BLUFOR (Special) with limited capacity and greater weight
Fixed: Clipping through ladders in offices
Various ladder tweaks
Fixed: Gap between ground and bottom edge of the gate of research domes
Fixed: Shadow of plastic chairs now behaves better
Hotfix to prevent AI from firing at camonets
Damage to windows no longer transfer to total damage (to prevent buildings with many windows from taking excessive damage from explosives)
Improved visuals of the power generator object
Several bug fixes for Altis (e.g. object clipping or objects on roads)
Runway lights have been tweaked
Configured featureSize for LandMark_F to prevent runway lights from fading too soon
Fixed: "Treat yourself" was not localized (
Better textures for OPFOR and Independent divers
Fixed: Blinking of buoy and helipad
Fixed: Path to bomb falling sound
Fixed: Duplicated class names in music selection list
Added: Missing radio track
Fixed: Fire damage from fire created by script
ORBAT and rolling credits updated with new names for new content
Disabled obsolete music volume dimming during rolling credits
Credits display now destroyed correctly when it ends
Fixed: Bug with closing of rolling credits automatically soon after its start
Fixed: Conversations weren't terminated fast enough after one of the participants died
Cinema border function is now 'spawned' (can be also ‘called’ by designer)
Fixed: Missing tasks for clients Joined In Progress with disabled AI in Headhunters and both Escape missions
Disabled obsolete diagnostics in some showcases
Name of Showcase SCUBA is now correct in Czech
Fixed: Some modules were activated too early, leading to breaking Seize missions
Firing Drills: map briefings disabled where they should not be
Added: New lowering of weapons
Adjusted left walking for erc / knl states
Adjusted weapon sway of binoculars (
- thanks to MadDogX)
When dying, camera will follow head movement
Lip sync slowed down, slightly visually improved
Added: More eye-pleasing disabled color of RscTree
Added: New aspect ratios to Video Options
Radio Protocol messages now have different visualization than narrative messages
Chat messages use narrative visualization instead of Radio Protocol
Texture of explosion particles has been improved
Refraction effect for destruction flames added
Added: Light Shaft technology
Enabled new rain tech
Particles for individual rain drops
Influence by wind
Global and local lighting
Proper occlusion (e.g. no rain under object geometries)
Drawing of lens flares tweaked in engine
Clouds can not be disabled fully in Video Options anymore (caused artifacts and did not result in significant performance gain)
Sun lens flare occlusion tweaked
Fixed: Occlusion queries when using PiP
Fixed: Creation of MSAA depth / stencil buffer on DX10-only cards
Disabled search for primary monitor if position is set by command-line parameters (posX / posY)
#lightpoint objects are now correctly serialized
Removed wave computations for some unnecessary cases
AI-controlled turrets lead targets better
Small aiming inaccuracy for helicopter turrets fixed
Decreased AI time spent on tracking of friendly and known units
AI GMG gunners are now better able to attack soldiers on buildings
Target bearing is no longer based on formation direction
Added: Instructor Figure switch to Game Options
Fixed: Repair icon position
Fixed: Accessing Campaign menu stops the world scene
Fixed: Campaign menu did not refresh when getting back from a scenario
Note: Scenarios now show the map briefing even when no briefing.html (outdated method) is present
Fixed: If mission is reverted turn it into non-complete state (UI)
Fixed: hudInfo heading (compass should be shown correctly in turrets)
Fixed: Mouse over description used descriptionShort twice
Added: 3rd level for Campaign scenario tree
Fixed: Vest gets its duplicate when client takes them from non-local container (
Event handler Put added also into UnmountItemFromWeapon to inventory and UnmountWeapon to inventory
Event Take was added into taking backpack from a ground to a backpack slot action
Fixed: Subordinates can work with squad leader's equipment
Fixed: Vest gets duplicated when client takes it from non-local dead body
Fixed: Unable to DnD weapon optics from inventory
Fixed: Binoculars were invisible in inventory
Fixed: Cannot retrieve weapon items/vests/headgear/uniform/backpack from player immediately after death
Fixed: Introduce new scripting command to return all backpack containers (everyBackpack)
Fixed: EventHandler from remote corpse did not work (
Fixed: MP AT soldiers could have an infinite count of rockets
Fixed: Replacing weapons created duplicates in some circumstances
Fixed: Replacing weapons with a magazine destroyed linked weapons in some circumstances
Fixed: A throwable weapon is now properly selected after taking a sidearm
Fixed: A bug where RMB multiplied magazines from the weapon magazine slot after loading a savegame
Fixed: Taking a sidearm could break the weapon info
Added: New scripting commands were added magazinesDetailUniform, magazinesDetailVest, magazinesDetailBackpack
New scripting commands added (add, remove, canAddItem from / to uniform, vest, backpack -
New scripting commands added (uniformContainer, vestContainer, backpackContainer -
Scripting commands addItemsToXYZ can add also magazines and weapons now
Vests should now correctly refresh when getting changed
Save / Load while reloading doesn't break the game anymore. Older saves might not work correctly.
Fixed: Crash opportunity after calling removeSimpleTask
Fixed: Potential PhysX crash
Fixed: Crash related to paragliding in MP
Fixed: CTD when lasing a target with an UAV as a team leader
Fixed: CTD when changing Video Options
Fixed: Game crashed when switching weapons in unarmed helicopters
Fixed: playNextMagazineSound crash (while trying to add a magazine to an empty weapon slot)
Scripting commands addItemCargo and addItemCargoGlobal can add also magazines and weapons now
Fixed: Display eventhandlers being duplicated after restarting a mission
Fixed: Parachute animation (strange black surfaces between wires)
Fixed: Player now cannot enter vehicles while healing / being healed
Fixed: More precise water surface for particles
Fixed: Swimming at water surface
Fixed: Change indirect grenade damage behind cover
Fixed: Camera zoom when in gunner position and controlling UAV
Fixed: Airplane auto-landing
Fixed: getVariable [var, default] returns default, if value of var is nil
Fixed: The deleteVehicle command on a UAV now also deletes the AI crew in it
Fixed: A rocket fired from AT stayed in the launcher
Fixed: Save / load of air units circling around using a Loiter waypoint
Added: Separate action for healing yourself and healing your comrade (to allow separate animation eventually)
Added: Proposal for change in attachment configuration design for weapons (
Added: New commands addScoreSide and forceRespawn
Memory allocation tweak for road networks
Assemble base can now be an array. It remembers the assemble base for disassembly, so static weapons can use compatible parts from different actions and remember what part is from what source.
Vehicles with allowDamage set to false will no longer explode
Updated wheels' center of mass for PhysX vehicles
Script commands setCausticsParams, setSkyFogColorationStart, setHorizonSunColorationScale, setHorizonFogColorationStart are not available anymore (were only meant for debugging purposes)
No longer allowing the assembling of UAV and static weapons during freefall
Added: New airplane rudderInfluence parameter
Maximum number of servers listed in MP is changed back to 500 (unfortunately there is no way around this for now)
Markers created on Dedicated Servers are now JIP compatible
Sound: Improved MP 3D sound playback
Sound: Added sound event for changing fire mode action (just in engine: changeFiremodeSound - not yet plugged into data)
Expert Stratège
31-10-2013, 15h34
C'est tout?
Hâte de la tester cte campagne!
Les animations de soins de coéquipier ont été rajouté non?
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
31-10-2013, 15h52
Je ne sais pas, tu n'as qu'à chercher dans la liste
edit : je n'ai vu que ça concernant les soins :
Added: Separate action for healing yourself and healing your comrade (to allow separate animation eventually)
Et ça c'est cool :
Fixed: Binoculars were invisible in inventory
Dernière modification par
31-10-2013, 15h56
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
31-10-2013, 15h57
J'ai survolé, je n'ai pas vu. Mais il y a plus d'une dizaine de bogues que j'avais personnellement rencontrés qui ont été corrigés, c'est vraiment le plus gros patch ! Je n'ai pas pu tester, mais, d'après ce que j'ai lu, le problème des jumelles a été corrigé, ainsi que celui des holsters vides (enfin ! il a été signalé à la sortie de l'alpha
Futur Empereur
Stratège du dimanche
01-11-2013, 00h18
Vont-ils améliorer le guidage laser ? ?
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
01-11-2013, 10h37
En tout cas, le problème du holster vide n'est toujours pas corrigé
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
01-11-2013, 12h46
Tiens, ils ont publié un Hotfix pour la 1.04 :
UNIT: Main Branch
ACTIVITY: Hotfix: 1.04 (Campaign menu)
SIZE: ~16 MB
Fixed: Double-clicking a node / folder in the campaign menu tree (e.g. Survive), will now expand it - making it clearer how to start playing. The other option is pressing the arrow next to a node.
Maître du Destin
Stratège avancé
01-11-2013, 13h29
Envoyé par
Voir le message
Les animations de soins de coéquipier ont été rajouté non?
Il y a 9 animations de soins de coéquiper : une pour commencer, une où il attend, une où il arrête, et 6 différentes où il soigne
Shérif retraité
Ami Facebook d'Hannibal
20-11-2013, 17h49
Encore une grosse mise à jour qui porte le jeu à la version 1.06.
Tweaked: Hiding of rocket pods on unarmed variants of light helicopters
Helicopters have their supplies transport capacity tweaked
Fixed: Vehicle equipment loads in response to this issue (
Adjusted Buzzard's HUD
Adjusted rudder coefficient of Buzzard
Fixed: Dead pilots in Buzzards have a correct pose now
Better LCD screen resolution for current state of vehicle optics
Slammer fire geometry and damage setup improvement
Added: Missing PhysX and suspension settings on Kamysh and Tigris
Kamysh hull hitpoints improved
Kamysh and Tigris front side armor easier to pierce through
Reflection and macro UV stretching on Marshall wheels fixed
Marshall interior damage materials tweaked
Marid damage material UVs tweaked
Fixed: Panther material problems
Redefined camo selections on armored vehicles
Multiple tweaks and repaired hidden selections on armored vehicles
Fixed: SUV has a texture error inside (
Fixed: AH-9 minigun barrel axis is wrong (
Fixed: RAH-99 spot light emissive texture is always active (
Flickering shadows in interiors of cars should be fixed
Getting out of a static turret now causes player to face the turret
Ejecting has been removed from action menu for static weapons because there is no need to eject when getting out is enough
Fixed: Bad penetration materials on static Titan launcher (AT)
Removed old lights from Zamak
Removed lights from lower LODs of Bobcat
View-pilot LOD of Gorgon tweaked
Fixed: Animation for gunner of Gorgon
Fixed: Missing textures on Gorgan (
Speedboat has now correct sorting of anti-water material
Fixed: Hitpoints of main rotor for Mohawk
Fixed: More appropriately sized missiles for Cheetah
Fixed: Rear lights on HEMTTs
Fixed: The stick of xH-9 family helicopters works again
Fixed: FIA truck cabin was not visible from the back (
Fixed: Offroad Armed was only enterable from drivers side (
Fixed: Camo in view LOD of transport truck
Sabot hit effect tweaked
Tweaking of dust effects created by infantry
Hit of ground by rifles should be now better visible on medium and low particle quality
New underwater effect for smoke grenades
Fixed: inSpeed and inDir variables for explosion effects
Divers and their equipment has been visually tweaked
Independent soldiers have been visually tweaked
AAF have their helmets visually tweaked
Unified standardized ammo loads for each vehicle type for every faction
Unified smoke and smoke shell colors for every faction
Changed BLUFOR Recon Marksman default rifle to EBR (from MXM variant)
Small uniform weight / capacity ratio update
Updated setup of heli pilot / heli crew / pilot equipment so it's now comparable across factions
Swapped load order of some equipment to help engine to load inventory properly (heavier stuff should go first)
Weapon weight diversification:
Overall weapons weight increased
Increased weight of heavy pistols
Greater and better scaled weight differences between various weapons of the same type
Minor balance of OPFOR equipment:
Decreased weight of pilot uniform
Decreased capacity of standard uniforms
Increased weight of standard uniforms
Increased capacity of harnesses vests
Lowered damage of destroyed house hitpoints
New materials, improved textures for timbers and wood pile
Assistant Missile Specialist (AT) for all factions now carries one Anti-Personnel rocket and three Anti-Tank rockets, instead of just four Anti-Tanks rockets. Thus he offers somewhat broader spectrum of possibilities for Missile Specialist.
Increased amount of supplementary ammo carried by Assistant Automatic Rifleman for all factions to:
BLUFOR 12x 6.5mm 100 round magazine
OPFOR 8x 7.62mm 150 round magazine
INDEP 6x 6.5mm 200 round magazine
Fixed: Minor fix of INDEP equipment. GL vest variant for INDEP Squad and Team leaders to match the distribution with other factions
Fixed: Rebalanced independent vests to introduce even more diversity among armors
Fixed: Minor redistribution of Guerrilla weapons
Fixed: Introduced minor variability in BLUFOR assistant automatic rifleman supplementary ammunition
Added: Titan AP rockets for BLUOR IFV and INDEP IFV
Added: RPG HE rockets for OPFOR BTR
Added: Tactical vest for OPFOR Helipilot
Decreased weight of OPFOR Marksman Rahim rifle
Increased weight of BLUFOR Marksman MXM variant rifle
Tweaked camera shaking from medium and heavy ordnance firing, hits and explosions
Grenades now cast shadow while flying towards their target
Mines now have a correct side
The artillery computer of mortars has been re-calibrated to actual computer type (slightly more accurate)
Zephyr missiles have their distinctive magazines
Fixed: Stretched LCD overlay UV for CROWS optics
Fixed: Bad normal mapping on MRCO optic
Fixed: Floating scope on MXM weapon (
Fixed: Range on M2HMG misaligned (
Fixed: Tweaked parameters of SDARs underwater ammo
Fixed: TRG rifles have correct mouse-over description of caliber
Repaired penetration material on some signs
Configured the second ladder for dp_smallFactory_F and added a second ladder
Thin armor plate surface added
Added: New armor plate materials for future appliances
All official objects should now in editor correctly show their author
Removed first red page from Notepad, File (documents) and File (top secret)
Improved: Falling into rocks by lighthouse and unable to get out (
Various small objects have their models reworked (wooden piles and electronics)
Bunker object makes better use of its ladder
Configured new marker lights for e.g. runway lights and airport tower lights
Fixed: Label shading on ammo boxes
Fixed: Can we please get the ramps on the H-Barrier watchtowers working? (
Fixed: Geometry component of Scrap Heap
Fixed: Textures of bridges in lower LODs
Fixed: Walking on stairs on cargo tower and cargo patrol tower
'colorBackground' attribute in CfgORBAT renamed to 'colorInsignia'
Bug caused by change of EH functionality in engine fixed
Updated: BIS_fnc_objectSide can now detect actual player's side, even after it was changed on the fly. This affects BIS_fnc_MP function, but the its behavior should remain same.
Removed: Chair on top of building in Showcase Armed Assault (would float after building destruction)
Fixed: Indestructible communications tower in Showcase Vehicles
Updated: Marker colors based on sides are now named consistently with other uses of sides. Previous classes were preserved because of backward compatibility.
Updated: Scripted side recognition - (side group player) and (playerSide) is now replaced by (player call BIS_fnc_objectSide)
Fixed: When using "Vehicle Respawn" module with respawn on start position, vehicles were not respawn precisely on the spot
Fixed: BIS_fnc_deleteTask no longer attempts to delete non-existent tasks
Fixed: Tasks were not deleted globally (by the previous function)
Fixed: handleDamage EH issue (
Fixed: Sector icons in the 3D scene were not based on difficulty
Fixed: Flaw in the logic of BIS_fnc_quotations and BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder was preventing saving from being re-enabled when they terminated
Fixed: Returned distance from trigger border in BIS_fnc_inTrigger was twice the actual value
Added: CfgFactionClasses entries now contain 'flag' attribute defining what flag texture is used
Added: Holding right shift while moving Splendid Camera will slow down the movement. Useful for precise camera positioning.
Added: BIS_fnc_deleteTask - a function to completely remove a task
Added: When using "Vehicle Respawn" module with respawn on marker, vehicle now respawned on starting position when no marker is found. This is true only when the vehicle has simulation enabled.
Added: It's now possible to remove vehicle respawn (see header of BIS_fnc_moduleRespawnVehicle for more details)
Added: Triggers synchronized to "Sector" module through "Unlock" logic will be activated based on sector owner. This enables triggering specific events or modules based on who's in control of the sector. See in-game module description for more details.
Added: Some "Sector" module attributes (e.g., participating sides or sector areas) can now be modified on the fly.
Added: Improved visualization of sectors added by "Sector" module
Added: Faction flag is now used to visualize sector owned instead of side flag
Added: "Players cost" attribute in "Sector" module can now be a code, dynamically calculated during mission
Added: "Deserted delay" attribute replaced by more logical "Deserted distance". When vehicle is abandoned, a vehicle will respawn after no player is in the given distance from it.
Added: BIS_fnc_playerSideFaction - returns the representative faction of the given side
Added: New optional attribute for Sector - score reward. Defines how many points are awarded to a side which captured the sector.
Added: Calling 'true call BIS_fnc_moduleSector' will now list all sectors.
Correctly unsetting of texture in film grain PP
Game Options: Language switch changed to ComboBox
Updated: MP mission HUD (i.e. the bar visualizing sectors or remaining respawn tickets) now shows side score of all involved sides, instead of merely displaying the leading side
UI: Insert Marker - Flags are no longer colorized (the white parts were incorrectly colored)
Added: Expand button to campaign menu
Fixed: Cinematic borders didn't cover the screen edges (
Fixed: Preview image for selecting interface colors was always white
Fixed: Text area for number of respawn tickets was too narrow
Fixed: Tooltips of controls in more than one control group
Fixed: Pause menu effects were visible after returning to a mission from which player previously exited the game while in pause menu
Added: Links to Community Wiki and editing forum to debug console header
Added: Faction score in debriefing screen
Fixed: Cinema borders now properly hide other GUI elements
More campaign texts have been adjusted to match voice-over work
Maxwell: Soldier that was leaning against a tree and was clipping removed
Maxwell composition updated to fix the clipping during the Wet Work briefing
Adjusted dates and time of briefings at Maxwell
Updated: Object compositions of Maxwell
Fixed: Players would sometimes get stuck after the introductory Maxwell animations
Fixed: Crossing Paths Camp Maxwell task was not declared completed
“Report In” task navigating to the mission providers will now properly show the waypoint in all situations
The 'discussion group' detection distance for ambient conversations was set generally too high
Simple termination of the 2nd ambient animation added to prevent unwanted collisions during briefing cutscene, where some of the soldiers suddenly had no weapons
The mission intel OSD was showing the wrong location information in Maxwell
Added: Safecheck code to prevent overlapping of the two different mission intel OSDs
Patrol notification was showing even if the Patrol gets disabled
Missing line breaks in “Patrol” task description were added
World object persistency detection / destruction was failing in case of the radio tower in A_in / A_in2
Fixed: Weapon pool persistent variables causing issues when reverting campaign
The starting gear in the equipment pool was adjusted
Adjusted the crash site composition to prevent the medic from getting stuck
Miller's identity was not set correctly
Fixed: Potential script error with mortars in Tipping Point
Improved behavior of mortars in the episode finale. Standing still when not in cover is guaranteed to kill you. Moving and staying in cover drastically decreases the chance.
Further improvements to the balance of the mortar segment
Slight adjustments to player's team's reactions to paratroopers
Further improvements to the behavior of the extraction boats
Name of Alpha Lead in ORBAT was not updating correctly
Added: Crossing Paths light flash on LZ Connor when AAF starts the attack
Dead identities should be now correctly replaced by new ones
Tried to prevent more cases of medics getting stuck after they tend to the wounded
Zone restriction module has been updated for soldiers
Tweaked: Code for triggering missions through strategic map to prevent blinking after the map fades to black
Improved ambient animation termination code to make it more reliable
Fixed: Duplicity in equipment visualization after briefings
Improved transition from strategic map into briefing
Player can now freely switch between 1st and 3rd person views during briefings
Player can now freely switch between 1st and 3rd person views during ‘welcome to Maxwell’ cutscenes
Pressing [Space] before the scene is rendered should not break the intro walk-in part
Transition from Patrol to Maxwell improved; it is not playing an intro animation anymore
Force-started briefings now directly trigger the default mission and there is no armory after the briefing is done
The ambient animation function now auto-terminates if it is executed on unit that is already playing ambient animation
Hub briefing skip mechanics fixed & improved. Players can now skip the whole briefing and get directly to the armory if they press [Space] before it loads.
Weather is now correctly updated when the time shifts for a briefing (e.g. fixes out-of-place rain during one briefing). Wind and rain are handled better.
Fixed: Safecheck mechanic that could break the campaign progression
Fixed: Surround sound issues with conversations especially
ctrlAddEventHandler and displayAddEventHandler now accept game code as well as strings
Command removeAllActions changed
New network script function setObjectTextureGlobal
playableSlotsNumber command added - returns number of available slots or playable units
Removed parameter from getShadowDistance script command
Fixed: setShadowDistance works again
Event handlers return value is used only if non-null (details)
If no handleDamage handler returns a value the damage remains unchanged instead of setting it to zero
handleHeal event handler is now also called for self-healing
Fixed: SP mission sometimes didn't end when some display was opened
Merged from OA / DayZ: Small MP optimization related to simulation precision
Fixed: Campaign menu double-click behavior
Fixed: Campaign / Scenarios / Challenges menus expand & collapse buttons
Added: All UI trees can now be expanded by double-click on an item
Added: New CTree config option to expand / collapse tree using double-click
Added: RscTree expandOnDoubleclick parameter
Fixed: exThreads parameter can break some script commands (e.g. scriptDone) (
Added: zeroing for AI target tracking
Helicopters are no longer able to move with destroyed main rotor
Stop propeller animation for ships when engine is hit
Terrain shadows tweaked
Moon and stars are now affected by fog
Fixed sun flare intensity computation
Added: New parameter drawLightSize for simple point light
Fixed: Taking a sidearm could break the weapon info
Fixed: HUDinfo does not show grenade info when character has no weapon
Fixed: AI gun shots inaudible after reload (
Fixed: Disappearing magazines when changing to same weapon
Fixed: CTD when lasing a target with an UAV as a team leader
Fixed: Crash when double-clicking tree in campaign menu
Fixed: Crash when setting zero or negative mass
Fixed: Crash while starting -server
Futur Empereur
Stratège du dimanche
20-11-2013, 18h44
J'ai pas fais gaffe : ils ont rajouté les jumelles par défaut aux chefs de section ?
Et quand est-ce qu'on verra apparaitre de nouveaux avions ? depuis que j'ai un joystick, j'adoooore piloter !